The YouTube Boom!

YouTube is a website where users are able to upload, watch and share videos that are creatively and originally made. The evolution of such a website began in February 2005 and has become a phenomenon ever since. Justin Bieber, along with other guests that appeared on the Ellen deGeneres show like Maria Aragon became popular artists and singing sensations just through YouTube. This gave people the chance to showcase and share their talent with the world. YouTube also helps users expand and explore their creativities and be able to share tips on how to do certain things.

It has helped users in so many areas of life such as entertainment through short scripts, music covers and real life experiences, home decor and living, DIY (Do It yourself) tips and tricks, hair and beauty tutorials, fashion and style tips, cooking recipes, party games, sports news, learning how to do accounting and calculus formulas and even how to tie a tie; the list is endless and there is pretty much a video for almost every area of life, even ones you would never imagine!

YouTube has definitely caught the attention of numerous companies and many of them are now taking advantage of such a website that has over 800 million users that visit every month and the millions of subscriptions each day (YouTube Statistics). Companies are not just using this to advertise at the beginning of videos (wtih over 60% of the in-stream ads being skippable [YouTube Statistics]) but they are using the the users to advertise their products as well. They started a partnership program with users in 2007 where users will be compensated for the type and number of views; they currently have over 1 million partners from 27 countries around the world (YouTube Statistics).  Here is an example of AT&T using Wong Fu Productions (a YouTube user and partner) to advertise their products using Wong Fu’s skills to be able to have consumers participate and be a part of the production for the “When it Counts” series:

Other popular YouTube partners with over 1 million subscribers are users like nigahiga, kevjumba, timothydelaghetto2, michellephan, and juicystar07. Some are shown below as an example. These partners along with many other get stuff sent from footwear and apparel companies, beauty and cosmetics companies (to name a few) to market and review. They are also given the chance to share the products with all their viewers; because they have over a million subscribers, companies have now used them as a medium to market their products and have for sure reached over 1 million people. Even larger companies such as Lancome are sponsoring YouTube sensations in order to market their products, such as Michelle Phan.

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(Source: Screenshot from YouTube pages of michellephan and nigahiga

The company expansion continues and YouTube is also available as an application for mobile smartphones. “Traffic in mobile devices tripled in 2011 and more than 20% of global YouTube views come from mobile devices” (YouTube Statistics); they have made it easier and more convenient for users to share and view videos at their own time and wherever they are. In addition, they have made it so easy for users to be able to apply and share this to other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. “Clicks on the ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ button on YouTube have doubled since the start of 2011. For every ‘dislike,’ [they] get 10 ‘likes’- people like to tell other people about the stuff they love” (YouTube Statistics). A lot of companies are transitioning their marketing efforts to YouTube, social media and online paid media because of the growing online trends and the number of users and viewers each platform has.

Here is a YouTube article that provides a brief history and description of their success and another one here that explores the YouTube Phenomenon.


Dakss, Brian. (2009). YouTube Phenomenon Keeps Growing. Retrieved December 11, 2012, from

Lidsky, David. (2010). The Brief but Impactful History of YouTube. Retrieved December 11, 2012, from

YouTube. (n.d.). YouTube Statistics. Retrieved December 11, 2012, from

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